Note: This page takes top priority and will be updated regularly.
The goal of distance and hybrid learning is not to isolate, but to connect educators with their students, and students with their peers. This also applies to facilitators of adult learning. (Scroll down on this page to view resources for coaches/professional learning facilitators.) The lesson design protocol and resources below, based on a foundation of neuroscience, have been created to support educators in designing learning experiences with and for students in a distance learning environment. The protocol can be utilized in a synchronous or asynchronous environment, or a combination of the two. It can also be applied to a screen free circumstance in which students do not have access to reliable internet and/or devices.
Looking for school reopening tips? Click here to learn more and view a sample elementary hybrid schedule. Scroll down for hybrid learning lesson design.
Designing Distance/Hybrid Learning Lessons for Students

Document with multiple hyperlinks: Resources to support remote learning lesson design template. (Platforms, apps, digital content, etc.)
Click here for presentation slides regarding designing with this protocol.
Distance Learning Lesson Examples (Updated often)

Digital Learning Resource Site from Tulare County Office of Education
Blogposts regarding Distance/Hybrid Learning
Designing Professional Learning at a Distance

General Tech Tool Training/Tips
Chromebook/Chrome Support for Parents/Students (slides)
Screencast tutorials and more (largely Google for Education focused)
How to use Zoom for video collaboration
Get started with Flipgrid for collaborative video conversations
Basic tips for using Canvas LMS
Google for Education Tutorials and Resources
To inquire about speaking, consulting, or coaching for your school, district, or event, contact Katherine via